
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Everything you need to know about MMA

Everything you need to know about MMA Video Clips. Duration : 6.77 Mins.

Obviously I can't speak for everyone but when I speak to the uneducated "Normo's" about MMA it's normally either grouped in with that "Fake WWE Shit!" or "It's totally Barbaric Alleyway Brawling and should be banned!". And I sometimes wish I just had a portable Overhead Projector to say "No, look you've got it all wrong THIS is MMA" . BUT I do have an iPhone, a decent eye for Directing and Composition so I thought "Smeg it, I'll make my own" and here it is. This is for everyone sick of defending MMA to the people who have never actually seen a fight or just saw 1 Tank Abbot fight in the 90's and think it's still the same today. To prove it isn't some grainy, badly lit "attempted Murder" in a Community Centre I used only Bluray/HD sources (although YouTube will murder the bitrate) to show how professional everything is these days (it's up to date too, up to UFC 130) and tried to show a good variety of disciplines. Obviously it is a little ZUFFA heavy as (Like it or not) that is what most peoples first exposure will be, but I managed to get some PRIDE,WEC, Strikeforce, Bellator and Dream in there so I don't feel too bad :) I also tried to show a bit more of the in-ring Respect, backstage stuff, training, coping with losses, celebrating wins etc just to show most fighters are actually decent human beings too and not Mentalists. So get it off youtube, stick it on your phone/tablet/Facebook/shout it from the hills and just generally get it out there, This is MMA, and it's ...

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